Events Calendar
16 October
KS4 Football Tournament, Boys and Girls - KS4 Torneo de Fútbol, chicos y chicas by
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17 October
08:30am - 09:30am
South Y3 Swimming classes – Clases de Natación Y3 by
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19 October
08:00am - 10:30am
Tafira Y3-Y6 Football Competition - Tafira Y3 - Y6 Competición de Fútbol by
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20 October
08:15am - 11:30am
KS5 Football Tournament, Boys and Girls - KS5 Torneo de Fútbol, chicos y chicas by
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01:05pm - 02:05pm
Y11 IGCSE PE Traning session - Y11 IGCSE PE Sesión de entrenamiento by
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