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How do I contact a teacher if I want to find out how my child is doing?

Contacting a Member of Staff in Primary

Parents can contact staff via Tapestry, Seesaw or email; if a parent has questions regarding the curriculum or academics, they should first contact their child’s class teacher who will respond within two working days. If using email, send directly to the school office who will forward to the class teacher.

A parent can contact the Head of Primary with general questions or concerns, again receiving a response within two working days. 

Contacting a Member of Staff in Secondary

In Secondary, with a range of staff teaching and supervising the students, knowing who to contact for information can be confusing. Therefore, below is a flowchart that outlines a range of issues alongside the person who is best suited to respond, together with their email address. Should a member of staff not be able to answer a question, they will redirect your email to a member of staff better positioned to reply. We always look to make an initial reply within two working days.

An emergency should be directed to the school office who will ensure the situation is resolved expediently and in a timely fashion.


How long does it take to get a response after contacting school?

Emergency information will be shared expediently and quickly to ensure that information reaches is desired destination with an appropriate timeframe. Such information should be shared via phone to ensure that the seriousness of the situation is understood, school staff are aware and the correct actions taken.

Less urgent communication should be via email, directly to staff working with your child or via the office who will forward to the most suitable school person. Please see Contacting a Member of Staff section. 

As staff, and teaching staff in particular, may not have constant access to a computer they may not be able to respond immediately to a parent’s contacting the school. We look to staff to respond initial within two working days, if not earlier. Hopefully a full reply will be provided with the 48hrs but, at times, more time is needed, with the initial response acknowledging receipt providing an estimation of time for a full reply.

Is the BSGC Tutor’s role similar to that in the Spanish system?

In Primary, a teacher is assigned to each class, predominantly teaching the children in the class for the majority of lessons. This teacher has a very good overview of the students, their progress and wider strengths, and can provide a good overview on progress and areas for development.

In Secondary, a Tutor is assigned to welcome a group of students into the school each morning. The Tutor takes a register of daily attendance and lateness, as well as sharing important information and daily notices from subject teachers and other staff. This group is called a Tutor Group, led by the Tutor, and named using tutor’s initials e.g. Ms Brunton’s Tutor Group is called 7CB.

Additionally, a weekly lesson is assigned to the Tutor Group, which is led by the Tutor. During this time a range of topics is covered including building social bonds, daily organisation, issues that may arise during the school year, assemblies or taking time to talk with students on an individual or group basis. 

The Tutor has a good, general overview of their tutees' wellbeing and attitudes to learning, but not necessarily specific feedback on a subject.

On leaving BSGC at the end of Year 13, can my child directly access Spanish universities?

Undoubtedly, yes!

A post-Brexit governmental agreement has ratified the full recognition of the A Level qualification (the examinations taken by BSGC Years 12/13) for Acesso Directo for entry into Spanish universities. This means that BSGC students’ qualifications enable them to apply for, and enter, all universities in Spain.

The A Level grades can accumulate up-to-a-total of 10 points for university access. BSGC students’ points, similar to local students, can be augmented, up to the maximum 14 points, by taking EBAU Especifíca examinations. BSGC provides qualified teachers, assigned lessons and extensive guidance to fully prepare our students wishing to follow this educational pathway.

Currently, between 30-40% of our oldest students decide their initial degree will be studied in Spain. Approximately 30% enter UK universities and another 30% in other EU countries. BSGC is very proud of the range of higher educational options open to our students!

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The British School of Gran Canaria. Private non-profit school following the UK Curriculum. Providing Education for pupils from 3 to 18. Our school is committed to providing a challenging, fulfilling and encompassing educational experience to all our students.