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School Development Plan

2020 - 2023

School Development Plan (SDP)

BSGC is committed to school improvement and ensuring that we consistently enhance the education and opportunities offered to our students. Key to this commitment is the School Development Plan, as it articulates key themes and explicit strategies that will support the desired changes and improvements within the school. Within the current SDP the main themes for development are related to Rosenshine’s Teaching Principles, Wellbeing and Global Citizenship.

Each theme has a stated Aim and further information on each area is laid out below.

  • Incorporate Rosenshine’s teaching framework so that effective and proven pedagogy is consistently used across the school - Teaching and Learning
  • Develop a community that is aware, articulate and able to identify and improve wellbeing and health - Emotional Health and Wellbeing
  • Prepare our students to be capable, compassionate and active custodians of the world - Global Citizenship

Rosenshine’s Principles of Instruction at BSGC

A professor and expert of Educational Psychology, Barak Rosenshine carried out research on scaffolds and cognitive supports, cognitive science and direct observations of “master teachers”, to specify the ten most effective methods of instruction. These include strategies such as scaffolding, modelling, questioning and giving time to practise.

The teachers at BSGC are engaging with Rosenshine’s principles to improve the quality of teaching and learning across the whole school. The principles ensure teaching staff understand the foundations of good practice and provide a common language for reflection, collaboration and to improved teaching.

Teaching staff have reflected on the area they would most like to improve upon and have joined a working party with their colleagues. They have identified a specific intervention from one of the principles of instruction which is forming the basis of an ongoing inquiry project for the year. Teachers will be trialling their intervention and evaluating its success with a specific cohort of students. As part of the inquiry project, all teachers will have the opportunity to perform peer observations and liaise in professional dialogue with their colleagues to reflect on the standard of teaching and learning in our classrooms.  

This is an exciting project, engaging all teaching staff in pedagogical research and encouraging all to improve for the benefit of our students!

Global Citizenship

The school is fundamentally committed to supporting and preparing our students to leave BSGC prepared, committed and able to become active and positive global citizens. Our vision is that BSGC students will be exposed to a range of stimuli and activities that will build knowledge, skills and an understanding of a range of issues related to global citizenship. It is hoped that such a grounding will enable our students to step forth into the world, capable and eager to make a difference to their community and make the world a better place, in whatever small way that might be!

Each year, staff develop plans to engage students in activities and learning opportunities, related to Global Citizenship. Through these opportunities the students will develop a knowledge of specific aspects of Global Citizenship, whilst simultaneously inculcating key, life-long skills in preparation for use in later life.

In the area of Global Citizenship, the following areas are identified as the foundation of our work:

  • Understanding and knowledge of news and current affairs
  • Informed and aware of local issues and news.
  • Leadership and responsible attitudes
  • Ecological responsibility and environmental awareness
  • Service and caring for others

The document below contains information on the projects and year groups involved in Global Citizenship projects during 2022-23. The range of projects is extensive and includes; beach cleaning, discussing issues found in local newspapers, Fair Trade, meeting local ‘community member who help me’ (fireman, police), understanding disabilities, how BSGC can adopt sustainable consumption habits.


At BSGC we believe wellbeing is not just about feeling happy, but also about understanding that everyone needs to nurture and look after their mental and emotional state. Knowing that our feeling fluctuate and what steps we can take to address these changes and support ourselves is crucial.  At BSGC we work through challenges together, looking to share positives and achievements so that all feel supported, heard, accepted, valued and empowered. Dialogue, awareness and positive actions are our watchwords! Our commitment to promoting positive wellbeing embraces the whole school community - pupils, staff and parents.

Wellbeing is a key component of our School Development Plan, with the stated Aim ‘to develop a community that is aware, articulate and able to identify and improve wellbeing and health’. As we embark on our wellbeing journey, we are working with staff and students to build skills and awareness as well opportunities to contribute towards the wellbeing aim. Through carefully considered initiatives, we are providing opportunities for students’ and staff 'voice' to be heard, enabling them to discuss their feelings and thoughts regarding their wellbeing and wider school life.

The appointment of a Designated Wellbeing Lead, in September 2021 has provided this important initiative with a central focus and a driving force to push it forward. The school’s Lead is working to provide a clear Wellbeing vision that encompasses all areas of the school, striving to ensure the whole community is supported with their wellbeing.

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The British School of Gran Canaria. Private non-profit school following the UK Curriculum. Providing Education for pupils from 3 to 18. Our school is committed to providing a challenging, fulfilling and encompassing educational experience to all our students.